Welcome Message from the Program Director
On behalf of our Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program and the entire faculty, welcome to the Department of Radiology at DHR Health. Our large volume of imaging studies (well over 250,000 per year), a wide variety of pathology, cutting-edge technology, and dedicated faculty make this training program an exceptional educational opportunity for residents. DHR is a busy, Level I trauma hospital providing medical and surgical care to the residents of the Rio Grande Valley, and the surrounding region, including Northern Mexico. Our radiology department has state-of-the-art imaging equipment in plain radiography, fluoroscopy, interventional radiology, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography, nuclear medicine, breast imaging, and ultrasound. Furthermore, we ensure that sufficient volume and variety of pathologies are available for every resident to gain a meaningful educational experience in the full spectrum of radiological examinations, procedures, and interpretations.
The program is heavily engaged in research opportunities with the DHR Research Institute and has several ongoing projects. This tremendous advantage will allow our residents to not only engage in research but also to create new projects that will bring prestige and solidify our goal of developing a community-based residency program committed to not only creating competent Diagnostic Radiologists but also Academic Radiologists who will continue the legacy of learning and excellence.
From the beginning, the faculty, residents, and staff have understood the importance of quality patient care, communication, education, innovation, and research. We are a service-oriented and resident-centered academic department.
As you explore our website, I hope you get a sense of the pride and accomplishments of our faculty and residents. Thank you for visiting!
Thank you for your consideration.
Best Regards,
Samuel Serna, MD
Program Director Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program
Chair of Radiology Department DHR Health